Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

The NACE ADAPT (from Allergy Development to an Accelerated Pathway to Tolerance) Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) in infants' Evaluation Study: an evaluation of the national implementation of a food OIT program as a new model of care in a hospital setting.

Posted on 2024-12-27 - 01:06 authored by MCRI REDCap ServiceAccount
The ADAPT OIT Program is being introduced and implemented in Australia as a national standardised new model of care for infants with peanut allergy treatment. The NACE ADAPT OIT Evaluation Study aims to gather information from all children who have a peanut allergy diagnosis. This information will be used to evaluate the acceptability, impact, and effectiveness of this nationally standardised new model of care in comparison to the current standard of care avoidance pathway. The study will be addressing the key recommendations by the recent ASCIA position statement and by consumers and help measure and document outcomes of a program that is accessible, viable, and cost-effective in Australia. This study is in collaboration with seven large tertiary paediatric hospitals around Australia who are delivering the program .


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Retention period: 7; Destruction plan: Source documents are the participants medical records (electronic and/or paper) therefore, archiving and destruction of source documents are not relevant. At the completion of the study, data within the database will be retained for a minimum period of seven years after the child reaches the age of 18, in which data will be destroyed in a way it is not readable or useable as per MCRI policies.

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Long-term storage location(s): HS - REDCap; Network folder:



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